Friday, April 11, 2014
AC/DC guitar stolen from Vancouver area restaurant
A prize guitar autographed by Angus and Malcolm Young of AC/DC has been stolen from a White Rock, British Columbia restaurant.
Surrey Now reports a cherry-red Gibson SG 1961 reproduction signed by the Youngs was stolen from Charlie Don’t Surf. Owner John Carroll said thieves hit his business at around 6:30 a.m. on April 7, successfully prying the guitar’s plexiglas display case open and making off with the prized six-string.
The guitar had hung in the restaurant for close to 10 years prior to the robbery and was signed by the brothers after Carroll developed a friendship with the band’s amp technician, Rick.
“Rick is a local customer and he works with Angus,” said Carroll, “so he would bring him out to the restaurant, and over the years I got to know him and his brother well and they’ve been fabulous.”
The guitar is distinct in that Angus drew a devil schoolboy image alongside his and his brother’s signature, something Carroll hopes helps the guitar stand out if it were to ever pop up on the black market.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) are investigating the alleged theft and security footage has been given over to authorities.
AC/DC recently revealed that they are heading into a Vancouver studio in May to record the follow-up to 2008’s “Black Ice”, and are considering a plan to play 40 shows to mark the band’s 40th anniversary this year.
Last month, AC/DC singer Brian Johnson joined Billy Joel for a version of “You Shook Me All Night Long” at New York’s Madison Square Garden, part of Joel’s ongoing residency at the famed venue, where he plays one show each month.
Check out video of the performance here.
See also:
AC/DC classic featured in preview of Disney’s Planes Fire & Rescue
VIDEO: AC/DC singer performs You Shook Me All Night Long with Billy Joel
AC/DC: Angus & Malcolm Young’s first recordings to be reissued
VIDEO: AC/DC classic featured in new Interac commercial campaign
Search AC/DC at hennemusic