Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry visited the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs on August 1 before the band performed in Denver.
The U.S. Army reports Perry received an overview brief of the command's Friendly Force Tracking Mission Management Center (MMC) from Joe Piscitelli, an SMDC employee.
"This is the real deal," Perry said during the briefing. "It's really amazing what you are doing here."
Piscitelli, who works MMC operations support training and security for SMDC, is credited with naming Perry's album, "Have Guitar, Will Travel," during a 2009 contest that included nearly 2,000 suggested titles.
Aerosmith wrap up their Global Warming tour on August 12 in Bristow, VA; the band’s new album, “Music From Another Dimension,” is due November 6.
Picture below are U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command Deputy Commanding General for Operations Brig. Gen. Timothy Coffin and Perry.

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