Motley Crue wrapped up their European tour last weekend and are now setting their sights on their summer North American dates with KISS, which begin July 20 in Bristow, VA.
On Thursday, Crue drummer Tommy Lee took to the band’s Facebook page to post an open letter to fans…as follows:
"Dear fans,
I f**king LOVE my fans! And you know this!!!... If you asked anyone that knows me really well, they would tell ya the same thing... 'Tommy loves his fans. He lives for this s**t... he eats, breathes, sh*ts music 24/7.' They'll also probably tell ya that 'he's a down-to-earth grateful life-lovin dude and a nice guy, too.'
What I have a problem with is... taking pictures! I hate it! Irritates the f**k out of me when people say... 'You owe it to your fans, they put you where you are, etc. etc.!'
I certainly don't owe anybody anything!
When I bought all my Led Zeppelin records and concert tickets, I didn't say, 'One day these f**kers are gonna owe me a picture.' It's the least they can do for me!...
[What the f**k], people? You don't admire something so that it can give back... You just cherish it! And to those who say, 'You should be grateful that people wanna take your picture. Maybe one day they won't want it!' That day can't come soon enough!
[By the way]… I'm not here to take pictures with you, I'm here to entertain you!
Nobody put me where I am but ME! They may have helped inspire me with their love for what I do... but I put myself right here where I want to be with a lot of hard work, practice, talent, luck, etc. What I do owe myself and others is being THE BEST I can be! And that's making great music, being a good man, father, lover and human being! We all owe that kinda stuff to ourselves and each other.
People, do we really need a silly picture?... For what?! Bragging rights? Really?.. Who f**king cares! Someone's not gonna believe you if ya don't have the proof pic? Then f**k 'em! I'd never go up to someone that I admired and bug them for a picture!! Why! I might say a quick hello... maybe a handshake? I dunno... It depends on the 'situation'... Most people never consider the 'situation.' That's really important... Ya wouldn't wanna handshake standing at the pisser in the men's bathroom next to me, would ya? And yes, that's happened to me, too... Or when you're eating a nice, quiet meal with your family, some rude jackass comes up and asks for a picture!
You can't even imagine what kinda crazy has happened to me. I understand the excitement and all, but just take a second and think... Is this cool right now? It's called consciousness; it's the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. Be conscious.
So like I said… yhe fastest way to get me to leave is whip out a camera! Maybe just say hello and I'll probably take ya home with me! Well, I'd have to ask my girlfriend first! Hah!
Sincerely yours,
The Picture Taker Hater!
Tommy Lee"
See also:
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