Friday, January 13, 2012

VIDEO: Jimmy Fallon mixes Tim Tebow with David Bowie

“Tebowie” debuted on Jimmy Fallon’s show Thursday night.

The singer is a mix of Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow and early-70s David Bowie, with Fallon deftly combining the two into one character for a performance of an update version of “Space Oddity.”

“Tim Tebow to Jesus Christ,” begins the tune, “Can’t win by myself but with your help I might.”

Tebow’s been making headlines across the States for his late game comebacks and on-field religious antics, looking skyward before dropping to a knee to offer prayers of thanks.

“I hear that you play New England next week," replies Jesus mid-song. "Dude you’re on your own, Brady is too good and I’ve got better things to do.”

The Broncos may need some more prayers answered this weekend as they face the New England Patriots on Saturday at 8PM EST.