Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ozzy Osbourne wraps up health tips week

Ozzy Osbourne wraps up his “Dr. Ozzy's Seven-Day Guide To Better Living,” bring a week-long series of health and life advice to a close.

Naturally, there’s plenty more where that came from: he has a new book to promote, “Trust Me, I’m Dr. Ozzy.”

Ozzy continues his book-signing tour this week with appearances at book stores in the US southwest and California this week.

Here’s the rock legend’s better-living tip #7:

"If a bird craps on your head while you’re standing under a tree, wave and say thanks. In Japan that’s considered a $150 facial treatment."

Here's the week's other tips:

Ozzy Osbourne’s health tips, part 1
Ozzy Osbourne’s health tips, part 2
Ozzy Osbourne’s health tips, part 3
Ozzy Osbourne: Health tips, part 4
Ozzy Osbourne: Health tips, part 5
Ozzy Osbourne: Health tips, part 6

Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne – Shot In The Dark (1986)

See also:

VIDEO: Watch Ozzy Osbourne and family on Piers Morgan Tonight
VIDEO: Ozzy Osbourne on The Today Show
Ozzy Osbourne’s son, Jack, is going to be a father
VIDEO: Watch full Black Sabbath 1970 concert
Ozzy Osbourne Halloween contest announced
Zakk Wylde is still cool with Ozzy Osbourne
Black Sabbath reunion confirmed by Ozzy Osbourne
VIDEO: Ozzy Osbourne classic featured in car commercial
Ozzy Osbourne: More book signing dates announced
Ozzy Osbourne’s music helps locate missing autistic boy
Ozzy Osbourne has cross made from 9/11 rubble
Ozzy Osbourne announces Dr. Ozzy book-signing tour
God Bless Ozzy Osbourne coming to DVD
Ozzy Osbourne: Crazy Train is theme for Charlie Sheen Roast
Ozzy Osbourne: Trust Me, I’m Dr. Ozzy book update
OzTV: Ozzy Osbourne wraps up Scream tour in Denmark