STP were scheduled to perform Tuesday at the Taft Theater in Cincinnati, Ohio, but Weiland was put on immediate vocal rest by doctors.
Dr. Sid Khosla, director of the UC Health Voice Center in Cincinnati, made the following statement:
"Today myself, Dr. Eva Van Leer and ENT Dr. Keith Casper consulted with Mr. Weiland. Upon a video stroboscopy, we determined his left vocal cord has likely scarring and his right vocal cord is tremendously inflamed. With such a heavy concert schedule and vocal activity, we determined that Mr. Weiland could potentially run the risk of a vocal hemorrhage or suffer permanent damage, hence putting him on complete vocal rest."
Four shows were immediately postponed: Cincinnati (13), Louisville (14), Council Bluffs, IA (16) and Concho, OK (which has already been rescheduled to November 5).
As one of the four shows has already been rescheduled, the band plans to have the other three re-booked soon. In the meantime, refunds are available at the point of purchase.
Stone Temple Pilots – Interstate Love Song (1994)
See also:
Scott Weiland covers Bowie, Beatles, Stones on new album
VIDEO: Scott Weiland rocks Lemonheads cover on The Tonight Show
VIDEO: Scott Weiland rocks Depeche Mode cover on Jimmy Kimmel
VIDEO: Scott Weiland delivers covers set in NYC
VIDEO: Scott Weiland - Not Dead & Not For Sale webisode 5
VIDEO: Scott Weiland – more Not Dead & Not For Sale webisodes
VIDEO: Scott Weiland - Not Dead & Not For Sale webisode 2
Scott Weiland: Not Dead & Not For Sale webisode debuts