The Disney pair join Slash for “Kick It Up A Notch,” the closing credits song from their new film, “Phineas and Ferb: Across The 2nd Dimension.”
The video debuted on Disney this past Friday; the movie premieres August 5 on their channel.
"Slash is a rock icon, he's our hero,” says executive producer Dan Povenmire. “We wanted a song that encapsulated the feeling of the series as well as the movie. Slash saw the movie with his kids and he liked it so much, he said, 'Hey, let's write a song together!' It was really a dream come true."
Slash – Kick It Up A Notch
“Phineas and Ferb: Across The 2nd Dimension” soundtrack (2011)
See also:
VIDEO: Slash rocks with Phineas & Ferb
Slash rocks Phineas and Ferb movie soundtrack
VIDEO: Slash and Fergie rock Ireland
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Slash tops the hennemusic Hot 10
VIDEO: Slash featured on South Park
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VIDEO: Slash and Lemmy rock Buenos Aires