In an interview with SiriusXM this week, Gaga raved about her passion for Black Sabbath, AC/DC and, specifically, Iron Maiden.
The pop star saw Maiden live in Tampa in April and came away totally inspired by the experience.
"I just saw Iron Maiden on their 'Frontier' tour and it totally changed my life,” said Gaga. “It was my first Maiden experience and I just realized, in that moment in the show, that that was the kind of artist I wanted to be. I didn't want people 30 years from now coming to see my show to see if I've still got it. But rather I wanted them to be fully unified, fists in the air, wanna hear every song. Iron Maiden's a lifestyle and those fans live and die by Maiden."
For her 666th tweet, Gaga wrote the following message on April 10:
"The Number of the Beast. Having beers listening to Maiden w the New York Boys. Happy 666 Twitterland."
Lady Gaga – interview
SiriusXM – July 18, 2011
Iron Maiden – The Number Of The Beast (1982)
See also:
Iron Maiden: Bruce Dickinson featured in airline safety video
FREE Iron Maiden downloads
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Lady Gaga: ‘Iron Maiden changed my life’
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