Beady Eye are currently playing a handful of shows in North America to introduce the group and their recently-released debut album, “Different Gear, Still Speeding.”
I saw the Toronto gig Monday night at the Sound Academy and the band sounded solid, with Liam in fine form throughout.
On Letterman’s show, the group played “The Roller” (see below).
Beady Eye also recorded a full set (47:10) for the Live On Letterman series – check out the video here - note that the video is not available in all regions, so it may not work for viewers outside of the U.S.
Beady Eye – The Roller
The Late Show with David Letterman – June 22, 2011
See also:
Beady Eye cover Beatles for Japan relief
Oasis will never reform, says Liam Gallagher
New video: Beady Eye - “The Roller”
New video: Beady Eye - “Four Letter Word”