Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bret Michaels suffering from effects of eye injury

Strange story this week about a new health issue facing Poison singer Bret Michaels.

As if Bret hasn’t been through enough in the past year, Michaels is now dealing with the effects of a corneal ulcer due to an infection in his eye.

Michaels tells the Birmingham News that his eye problem began after fans accidentally hit him with a glass during an impromptu nightclub appearance in Panama City, Fla., during spring break.

Although he wasn’t scheduled to perform at Club LaVela, Michaels said he agreed to “go in and give them a free show, three or four songs.”

All went well until Michaels began to walk out of the venue. “Someone said, 'Bret, you rock!,' and this glass filled with vodka and Red Bull fell on my head, and something in the glass scratched my eye,” Michaels said. “It was this comedy of errors that I survived through.”

Instead of seeking medical attention, Michaels said he decided to try eye drops and be a “self-remedy guy.” About a week ago, however, he realized something was seriously wrong. Three doctor visits resulted, he said, including a trip to a specialist in Annapolis, Md.

“I got a shot in my eye [Thursday],” Michaels said. “They numb your eye completely. They don’t even have a remedy for what’s wrong with my eye. They’re using this crazy stuff in my eye that they invented.”

With his usual good humor, Michaels is soldiering on.

“I’m playing through the pain,” he said. “I haven’t canceled any shows. They dilated my eyes and I looked like one of those old Dr. Shock freak horror shows.”

Michaels’ concert schedule continues to be packed over the next few months, with solo shows, a Poison 25th anniversary tour and concerts with Motley Crue and the New York Dolls; he’s also booked for a cruise with fans in November.

Poison Poison

Casey James with Bret Michaels - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
American Idol
Season 9 Finale – May 26, 2010

See also:

VIDEO: Bret Michaels rocks Live! With Regis & Kelly
Motley Crue/Poison tour adds new dates
Motley Crue, Poison tour tops the hennemusic Hot 10
VIDEO: Bret Michaels rocks the Rock N’ Roll Dallas Half Marathon